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Meditative Concerts, Private Sessions & Courses



Meri’s Healing voice touches you, physically and spiritually, opening you up to new insights in your life. Channelled, layered voice, shaman drums and crystal bowls take you to an inner journey to the landscapes of your soul. 

The energy running through Meri is very pure and high vibrating. At the same time, a living connections to the ground roots you and is a source of tremendous life force. In this very clear yet very physical energy channel your connection to the feminine essence, your physical and/or energetic womb, gets cleared and activated. Loving relationship with yourself, with both the light and the dark, is a starting point for awakening your true power. 

Meri’s Meditative Concerts ofter work as a catalyst for a holistic healing process that can be felt a long time after the experience. 


Meri's channelled, layered voice, crystal bowls and shaman drums take you on an inner journey into the landscape of your soul. These sessions open you up for new revelations in your life. The powerful energies channelled through Meri are vibrating in the physical level as well. They clear out old, stagnant energy and purify the flow of your highest (and deepest!) potential. Meri offers you intuitive insights into your life situation and often gives you 'home work' to keep connecting with your essence and empowering you even more.

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Voice is a bridge between the visible and the invisible, expression that reaches out from the unknown territories within us. You can feel my voice resonating in your body as if I was touching you from inside.


As babies we only perceived the world through our sensing bodies, without language or cultural codes, before getting socially trained to behave in a certain way. In this workshop we awaken the wordless parts within, again, letting our authentic expression through. 


Voicing Your Body offers you self-healing tools to keep your energy free and flowing. We go through portals of transformation together that can serve as a ritualistic rites of passage. 


Meri has been developing this workshop since 2009 and it keeps going deeper as her own path expands.


Hoitohuone Valon Lähde toivottaa sinut tervetulleeksi Torniossa!


Merin kanavoidut äänienergiahoidot ovat ainutlaatuinen kokonaisuus jossa hänen voimakas äänensä yhdistyy intuitiiviseen parantamisprosessiin. Usein esille nousee syvempi teema joka vaikuttaa elämääsi monella tasolla. Meri käyttää äänensä lisäksi rumpuja, tiibettiläisiä- ja kristallimaljoja, tiukuja yms. Lisäksi hoitoon kuuluu usein parantavaa kosketusta. Meri tarjoaa intuitiivisia  näkemyksiä elämäntilanteeseesi ja antaa usein myös 'kotitehtäviä' joissa jossa hoitoprosessi jatkuu osana elämääsi. Hoidot mahdollisia myös etänä.

Valon Lähde - Sisäinen Voimasi Avautuu.

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I create custom made rituals and ceremonies for your important rites of passage: name giving ceremony, wedding in a non-traditional setting and more, depending on your wishes and dreams! Ask for more details and let's get creative.

Please get in touch if you have any questions!

I am happy to answer to you personally.

©2022 by Meri Nikula.

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